Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Rosi is the cutest pet ever! A lot of people are grossed out by mice, but I love them. A few months ago I told Mark about my pet mouse Bobo that I had when I was like 7 that died. I told him I wanted a new mouse when we got married, and he said no because we aren't allowed to have pets. Of course that wasn't the end of that because I am a pest so I begged him for a mouse every single day, but he still said no. So when we got back to Provo I was still begging him but just to be annoying, not because I thought he would ever give in! One day we were on our way to Target and he turned early and stopped in front of the pet store!!! I picked out the sweetest mouse with some help from Mark. I'm so lucky to have such a sweet, patient husband.


  1. Hey Haleigh! This is Mary, Mark's cousin. I used to have a ton of hamsters when I was little. Thats so funny that you have a mouse. We had a mouse when we were first married too....but it died when it stepped into the mouse trap. Keep the posts comin'!

  2. haleigh i love your mouse! so cute!
